Monday 21 November 2011

How do we know there are children in need?

Last Friday the BBC held its annual Children in Need Appeal - but how much do people actually know about the number of children in need in the UK? Well here are some statistics from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation:
  • 2.6 million children live below the poverty line in the UK. This number has been reducing for the past two years, but their forecasts predict it will rise to 3.3 million by 2020/21.
  • More than half (57 per cent) of all children in poverty now live in families where at least one of the adults is in paid work.
  • Inner London has a much higher proportion of children in low-income households than any other region: at 44 per cent, thirteen percentage points higher than the average for the United Kingdom as a whole.
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation provides facts and figures for many TV programmes on poverty (including Children in Need) and has a useful list of further reading (all freely available material on the web) which you can view here: Further Reading on Poverty

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