Monday, 25 January 2010

New Research Suggests the Alcohol Industry is Targeting Teeenagers

Researchers writing in the British Medical Journal claim that the alcohol industry is targeting teenagers by implying that drinking will bring friends and fun. Documents obtained by the Commons Select Committee on Health show that market research on 15-16 year olds is used to guide the development of campaigns to promote alcoholic drinks. A ban on irresponsible drink promotions and a compulsory requirement to check under 18s for IDs are among the final conditions of a proposed code for alcohol retailers announced by the Home Secretary, Alan Johnson. A link to the proposed code can be found here:

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

New Research on Violence Against Women & Girls

The results of a new consultation report 'Together We Can End Violence Against Women and Girls' have now been released. The research was commissioned by the Department of Health and led by the Home Office in consultation with the National Children's Bureau. It elicited the views of young people on issues surrounding violence against women and girls including relationships education at school, social attitudes towards violence and sexual bullying. The full report and further information can be found on the Home Office website at: