Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Binding Your Dissertations

If you need to get your dissertation or honours project bound...

Polhill Library has a binding machine in the Resources Room on the Ground Floor. You can use this to bind your dissertation yourself - providing you've purchased covers and a ring binder. These are available to purchase from the Library as a pack costing 50p.

If you would like a member of staff to bind your dissertation for you then in addition to the cost of the pack you must pay for the cost of the binding. The Library's rates are the same as Reprographics:

  • Small dissertations - Approx £1
  • Medium dissertations - Approx £1.50 (most UG dissertations are this size)
  • Large dissertations - Approx £2
Alternatively you can book a slot for Reprographics in the Copy Shop (Room P0.55, main block). They are open Monday - Friday, 9.00 - 16.30. You will need to provide the copies to be bound. Rates are the same as the Librarys'. You must however book a time with Jenny Hadfield as she has a heavy workload and not leave it till the last minute! You can contact Jenny on: jenny.hadfield@beds.ac.uk

Monday, 29 April 2013

New Research From the IASR

In more news from the IASR: the following new research reports are now available to read online for FREE:

Professorial Lectures On Video

The Institute of Applied Social Research (IASR) at the University of Bedfordshire has made some of its professorial lecture series available on Youtube.You can find details of further lectures on the IASR Events page at: http://www.beds.ac.uk/research/iasr/iasr-events

Amongst those available to watch are:

Professor Ravi Kohli, Monday 16th April 2012

We make the journey and the journey makes us. Reflections on working with unacompanied asylum seeking children and young people.

Professor Jenny Pearce, 9th May 2012

Its all in a lable: new theories for understanding child sexual exploitation. Jenny's research focuses on the social construction of youth and studies of youth culture. In particular she focuses on young people, sexual exploitation, child protection and domestic violence. Jenny also teaches research methods that can be used to access and engage with socially excluded young people and is particularly interested in focusing on the marginalisation of categories of youth. In this, her professorial lecture, she discusses new ways of understanding the exploitation of children.

The End Of E-books On Demand

All the money set aside for the "Ebooks on Demand" project has now been spent. We'll be reviewing what was bought and rented by students since Christmas over the coming months.

What I can already tell you is that more than 1,000 new ebooks were purchased - which is great and very encouraging and consequently the project may well return later in the academic year.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Free Books From PSE

The Poverty and Social Exclusion (PSE) website is offering 2 seminal books for FREE download:
  • Poor Britain (1985) by Joanna Mack and Stewart Lansley
  • Poverty in the United Kingdom (1979) by Peter Townsend
The books are available for download here: http://www.poverty.ac.uk/free-resources

Other free resources from the PSE include:

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Further Increase To Numbers Of Loans

The maximum number of loans that you may borrow at any one time has now increased from 15 to 20 books.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Postgraduate Open Day At Luton Campus

The University will host its next Postgraduate Open Event on:

Date: Thursday, 18 April

Time: 2pm - 5.30pm

Venue: Postgraduate and CPD Centre, Luton Campus.

Students will be able to find out about Postgraduate courses in the following Faculties:

● Business School
● Creative Arts, Technologies & Science
● Health & Social Sciences

The event gives you a taster for Postgraduate study at Bedfordshire, and is also the perfect chance to: 

● Talk to our academic experts
● Find out more about our taught Master's and Research Degrees
● Learn more about our Postgraduate Jubilee Scholarship
● Chat to our support staff about funding, preparing their application and careers advice
● Find out more about the University's paid Postgraduate Student Internship Scheme

Please contact David Seaton david.seaton@beds.ac.uk, x3249 if you have any queries.

More on the Anthony Giddens Lecture

Anyone wishing to attend the FREE lecture by Anthony Giddens please note: There is a coach leaving from the Bedford campus at 11.30am. The lecture will begin at 1pm.

Please confirm your attendance with Helen Connolly at: helen.connolly@beds.ac.uk AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you wish to attend.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Enhancement to the Document Supply Service

In the past if you requested an item on inter-library loan, using our document supply service and if that item was actually already stocked by UoB Libraries you were simply sent a link to that item in the library catalogue.

Now, if you request an item which is already stocked by UoB Libraries a RESERVATION will automatically be placed for you and you will receive the following message:

This item is in stock at the University of Bedfordshire.

Please remember to check the University catalogue before

submitting requests through document supply.


We have reserved this item for you and will email you

when it is available for pickup at your home campus.

Free Lecture By Leading Sociologist Anthony Giddens

Leading sociologist and advocate of the "Third Way", Anthony Giddens will be giving a free lecture about his forthcoming book "Off the Edge of History: the World in the 21st Century next Wednesday (17th April 2013). The lecture will take place at 1.00 pm in room G101, Luton Campus Centre.

The lecture is free to all students at the University of Bedfordshire. If you plan to attend please email Helen Connolly at: helen.connolly@beds.ac.uk