Monday, 17 May 2010

Child Poverty

Figures from the Department of Children, Schools and Families show that almost 1.2 million pupils are eligible for free school meals - an increase of 83,000 pupils over the last two years. Three education authorities have piloted free school meals for all primary school pupils, which could account for the rise, as well as the effect of job losses through the recession, says Christine Blower, the General Secretary of the Nationhal Union of Teachers. She adds: "The challenge for the new government is to maintain child poverty reduction targets and to seek to close the gap between the richest and poorest". Read the full document here:

New Evidence Based Practice Web Page Now Available

Your librarians have now created a new web page to support the Social Work BSc module: Evidence Based Professional Practice. It contains links to useful resources for social research to help you find the "evidence", including databases, peer-reviewed journals, websites, online reports and more. This page will also be useful for anyone undertaking research in the social care field.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Do you want to find journal articles on education-related topics?

Education Research Complete is a new research database available via the Ebscohost platform. It contains full text articles from more than 1,200 journals and nearly 500 books on all aspects of education including the sociology of education, education support services and child welfare.

It can be searched in conjunction with PsycINFO, the SocINDEX and Academic Search Elite - some of the other useful databases for this area.